Born in 1975 in Brno. Publicist, novelist, editor, author of plays, radio and television documentaries. She studied radio and television dramaturgy and screenwriting at the Theater Faculty of the JAMU in Brno. She has lived in Berlin since 2007. She conducted a book interview with Květa Legátová (Návraty do Želar [Returns to Želary], 2005), organized a book of poetry about Brno (Kdybych vstoupil do Kauflandu, byl bych v Brně [If I entered Kaufland, I would be in Brno], 2009) and wrote proses Zimní kniha o lásce [Winter Book of Love] (2014), Berlínský zápisník [Berlin Notebook] (2016), Ostrovy [Islands] (2019) and Utrpení a jiné žánry [Suffering and other genres] (2022). "I keep writing," she says, "chaotically, as always. […] In addition, I love custom writing, which naturally combines intimacy with a small fee… "