
She was born in 1971 in Bojnice and graduated from the Faculty of Arts at Comenius University  in Bratislava. She has tried several professions, from a high school teacher to a betting office worker, and a bibliographer at the Hornonitrianska Library in Prievidza. She is an ambassador of the Danube Children's Organisation to help children from socially disadvantaged backgrounds. In 2001, 2005, and 2006 she became
the finalist in the competition Poviedka (Short Story). She made her debut with a collection of short stories Vedľajšie účinky chovu drobných
(Side Effects of Small Rodent Breeding) in 2011. Since then, she has published several books: Moje more (My Sea), Slobodu bažantom
(Freedom to the Pheasants), Muž z jamy a deti z lásky (The Man from the Pit and the Children of Love), Tri smrtky sa plavia (The Three Grim Reapers Sail). These books were in the final ten of Anasoft litera in 2016 and 2019, and in the final five of Anasoft litera 2018. Her latest novel Zjedol som Lautreca (I Ate Lautreca , 2021) also got into the final ten of Anasoft litera. In her stories, she focuses on weak and suffering individuals, emphasizes human fragility, vulnerability, and the predominance of the fatal predestination of human lives. All this gives her prose a taste of a thrilling secret underlined by the
specificity of female writing. In addition to writing, she also paints on glass and mirrors and illustrates her books.